Barbara McDowell Foundation Board Held Its May Meeting

The Board of Directors of the Barbara McDowell Foundation held its May meeting on Tuesday, May 11, at 5 p.m., The full Board was in attendance.

Topics for the meeting included:

  • Vote to approve new members to the Board.

  • Discussion of changes resulting from the recently adopted new organizational by-laws.

  • Election of new Offices, appoint new Executive, and appoint Members to Committees of the Foundation.

  • Review of the Foundation’s recent investment performance.

  • Highlighting accomplishments of the Foundation in the previous quarter.

  • Discussion of changes to the Foundation’s grant application process.

  • Vote to approve a motion for the Foundation’s Executive Committee to develop a strategic plan for the proposed High Impact Litigation Project.

  • Review of the Foundation’s fundraising activities.

  • Discussion of a possible new fundraising event and Foundation award.


Local Yoga Studio Holds Second Fundraiser On Behalf of the Foundation


Barbara McDowell Foundation Board Approves Four Additional Members