Jerry Hartman Accepts Legal Aid’s Servant of Justice Award on Behalf of Barbara McDowell

The Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia has awarded posthumously Barbara McDowell its Servant of Justice Award, which was presented by Sally Gordon, Professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, on April 29, 2014 at Legal Aid’s annual dinner.

Sally Gordon's remarks in making the award presentation appear here. A video of Sally's presentation speech appears here. Sally was Barbara’s roommate at Yale Law School and a dear friend. 

Jerry Hartman, Barbara’s husband, accepted the award for Barbara. Jerry’s remarks accepting the award appear here. A video of Jerry's acceptance speech appears here.

Members of the Foundation’s Board attended the dinner, including Sally Gordon, Professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, who made the award presentation, Jeff Lamkin, Dr. Hayley Coker, Sarah Wilson, and Deborah Chiumento.

A memorandum from Drinker Biddle Chairman Alfred Putnam, Jr. and Executive Partner Andrew Kassner sent to Drinker Biddle lawyers and staff appears here. A letter from Hon. José A. Cabranes, judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, concerning the award appears here.

Approximately 700 people attended the dinner, including numerous members of the federal and District of Columbia judiciary and family and friends of Barbara. A copy of the dinner program announcing the award appears here. A press release issued by Drinker Biddle about the Legal Aid Society dinner appears here.

To read more about Barbara McDowell, click the button below.


Legal Aid Recognizes Contributions of Barbara McDowell


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