New High Impact Project Case Seeks To Address The Failure Of The State Of North Carolina To Provide Appropriate Behavioral Health Services

National in scope, the Barbara McDowell High Impact Litigation Project coordinated the initiation and support of high impact social justice litigation cases. Launched in 2010, the Project coordinated 17 cases in various issue areas under the auspices of the Foundation. The following story outlines one such case.

Drinker Biddle and Disability Rights North Carolina filed a lawsuit on May 24, 2017 to address the failure of the State of North Carolina to provide appropriate behavioral health services to citizens with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) so that they do not suffer segregation or institutionalization.

In December of 2017, the North Carolina Superior Court denied the Defendants’ motion to dismiss the Plaintiffs’ claims that people with I/DD are being improperly segregated or institutionalized, or placed at risk of segregation or institutionalization. Discovery and depositions in the case are ongoing.


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