FOIA Litigation Filed Against the United States Customs and Border Protection Service (CBP)

American Immigration Council v. United States Custom and Border Protection Services (CBP) (U.S.D.C. for District of Columbia)

The American Immigration Council (AIC) represented by Drinker Biddle under the auspices of the Barbara McDowell Foundatio sued in 2016, to force the CBP to turn over information to it about complaints for misconduct for abusive behavior during immigration processing against agency personnel nine months after seeking these records through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)  request. The suit settled in 2019 with the Agency agreeing to produce the documents covering its response to complaints of abuse filed against its agents over the last three years. These documents will allow the Council to produce a report regarding CBP’s handling of complaints against it addressing whether change had resulted in the agency’s response to these complaints. CBP agreed also to pay attorneys’ fees in the amount of $60,000.


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