Children suffering abuse, neglect, or abandonment must often rely upon litigation to secure protection and to afford them their basic constitutional rights.

The Foundation funds high-impact litigation cases aimed at child protection and strengthening child welfare systems across the country. The following grantees pursued litigation to protect children.

  • "Children’s Rights is grateful to the Barbara McDowell Foundation for providing support that led to serious oversight improvements to protect kid’s health and safety.”

    Sandy Santana, Executive Director, Children’s Rights

  • “The Children’s Advocacy Institute is truly grateful for the funding provided by the Barbara McDowell Foundation. The Foundation’s support enabled us to lay the groundwork for this critically important lawsuit—which if successful, will ensure that all of the nation’s abused and neglected children are represented by legal counsel in the judicial proceedings that determine every aspect of their lives.”

    CAI Executive Director Robert C. Fellmeth, Price Professor of Public Interest Law at the University of San Diego School of Law